FEMINIST THEATER TROUPE. stories from our lives, dream plays, music, chants & crankies
CloseToHomeProductions supports black led women’s organzations. Our work as women continues.
From 1970 – 1976 It’s All Right To Be Woman Theater lived, worked and performed in New York City and traveled to women’s centers and college campuses across the U.S. Their performances of stories from their lives inspired audiences everywhere and were key to the movement that is now known as “Second Wave Feminism.”
They were seen by thousands of women and men who laughed and cried with us and embraced their message.
The documentary, 13 years in the making, features performances of the troupe from the 1970’s, interviews with troupe members at a 2007 reunion and interviews with fans and followers of the troupe.It’s All Right To Be Woman documentary-see trailer above- now available to rent for personal and public screenings by contacting info@CloseToHomeProductions.com
Watch our talkback from our first online community screening here.
Check out our Fall 2021 Webinar on Feminist Theatre
“I believe that you have to study It’s All Right To Be Woman Theatre and other collectivist groups, if you’re going to understand the history of American theatre.”
Dr. Sara Warner, Associate Professor in the Department of Performing and Media Arts, Cornell University